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CHECK OUT MY SEQUEL TO THIS VIDEO - DUBSTEP! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iErXDMSONmsWeek 8: Live Edit on Maschine Mikro of 5 Mainstream Dubstep hits. I chose these songs based on popularity and influence; not really on technical merit or whether or not "Pitchfork" likes them or something. I like them; I think they are/were important to bringing Dubstep to the mainstream. If you have heard these songs and you think they are played, then they did their job as popular music. Stop drinking Haterade. 5. Doctor P - Big Boss4. Skrillex - Kyoto3. Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop2. Foster The People (Butch Clancy remix) - Pumped Up Kicks1. Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites What should I cut-up next week?
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